Student of the month

Student of the month January 2014

Grade 1.1 Sunan Drajat

  1. Kayla Devia Adrivi
    (Student with great progress in motivation in school attendance)
  2. Syakirah Asha Fazila
    (Student with great progress in patience)

Grade 1.2 Sunan Muria

  1. Khalisa Azzahra Yazuarki
    (The best student in performing shalat zuhur)
  2. Rasendriya Arkan Farras
    (Student with great progress in class attendance and socialisation)

Grade 2 Sunan Giri

  1. Raida Fatina Rissyanto
    (Student have a good attitude in helping teacher)
  2. Shin Anugrah Nurrahmat Darmawan
    (Student who show good progression in reading)

Grade 3.1 Abu Bakar Assiddiq

  1. Az Zahra Giovanni Mofsol Muhammad
    (Student who always try her best)
  2. Haikal Athallah Surbakti
    (Student who show the most improving in socialing with his friend)
  3. Hamisesa Shanu
    (The most independent and responsible student)

Grade 4.1 Sunan Gunung Jati

  1. Andhiansyah Padmasena Muhammad Damanik
    (Student who have good tolerance)
  2. Rafi Satrio Rachmawan
    (Student with high motivation)

Grade 5 Sunan Bonang

  1. Ananda Khairani Yuditia P
    (Student who likes to use English in every moment)
  2. Jennifer Fatima Arlandi
    (Student who likes to use English in every moment)
  3. Mafthuh Hazazi
    (Student with good significant academic development)

Grade 6 Sunan Gresik

  1. Ardelle Khalida Riansyah
    (student who develops achievement in math subject)

Student of the month August 2013

Grade 1.1 Sunan Drajat

  1. Ahsan D. Wibisono
    (The most diligent student in completing task)
  2. Arfa Rean Daneswara
    (For showing personality improvement)
  3. Elvina Amalia Wardanu
    (Student most confident and detailed student in performing project presentation)
  4. Insan Athari Abraham Djunaedi
    (Student with significant academic development)
  5. Kayla Devia Adrivi
    (Good class leader)
  6. Sekarlana Alysha Putri
    (Student with the greatest empathy toward spesial needs friends)

Grade 1.2 Sunan Muria

  1. Puan Khatami
    (The most independent Student)
  2. Shafa Maylisa Zein
    (The most critical student in studying)

Grade 2 Sunan Giri

  1. Ayman Azan Sanad
    (The most critical student in studying)
  2. Farly Farrelino
    (The most independent Student)
  3. Fathian Nashvi Aqila
    (Student who like to share food)
  4. Fattah Rajendra Wisesa
    (Student with good attitude, humble and great socialization with friends and teacher)
  5. Galen Prayata Oktara
    (Student who show confidency in learning)
  6. Jasmine Abigail Muslim
    (The most responsive student)
  7. Jovi Arya Novanka
    (Student who always help teacher and friends also having sense of empathy)
  8. Malya Anandifa Rawikara
    (Most student who have good attendance and always come early)
  9. Mika'il Giovanni Mofsol Muhammad
    (The most enthusiastic and motivated learners in class)
  10. Mozaq Yuqhirro Ardipraditya
    (Student with good attitude, humble and great socialization with friends and teacher)
  11. Mozaq Yuqhirro Ardipraditya
    (Student who show a good motivation in using english for asking permission)
  12. Muhamad Hafiizh Romeo Ramadhan
    (The best confidence student in doing class)
  13. Rafi Vittorino Darren
    (The most Consistant student in sharing & friendship)
  14. Shabrina Ardela Purnomo
    (Student who always have a nice attitude with teacher and friends)
  15. Sheryl Fathima
    (The best student in learning music’s class)
  16. Shin Anugrah Nurrahmat Darmawan
    (Student who has a good attitude and great respect with the friend and the teacher)
  17. Taksa Rizky Ananda
    (The most detailed student)

WA Kami