Student of the month

Student of the month November 2014


  1. Fathima Aliyarahma
    (Lazuardi Cordova Fashion Day: "The Most Popular/Favorite Costume")
  2. M. Ghaizan Ramadhan
    (Lazuardi Cordova Fashion Day: "The Most Creative Design")


  1. Masagus Mikail Syarif Al akbar
    (Lazuardi Cordova Fashion Day: "The Most Creative Design")
  2. Muhammad Afiyasha Azkayru Nursain
    (Lazuardi Cordova Fashion Day: "The Most Popular/Favorite Costume")
  3. Qumna Vaidya Pertiwi
    (Lazuardi Cordova Fashion Day: "The Most Creative Design")


  1. Anindya Khaira Saputra
    (Lazuardi Cordova Fashion Day: "The Most Creative Design")
  2. Fadya Nazhira Yusuf
    (Lazuardi Cordova Fashion Day: "The Most Popular/Favorite Costume")
  3. Raffa Khalief Rachmawan
    (Lazuardi Cordova Fashion Day: "The Most Creative Design")

Kelompok Bermain Kelompok Bermain

  1. Farah Agisca Fauzan
    (Lazuardi Cordova Fashion Day: "The Most Creative Design")
  2. Muhammad Husein Alaydrus
    (Lazuardi Cordova Fashion Day: "The Most Popular/Favorite Costume")

Grade 1.1 Toraja Class

  1. Agraprana Mahardhika Kimiano Sthirabudhi
    (Student who consistantly giving report turning off the tv on 17.00-20.00 For the past 2 weeks)
  2. Raifah
    (the most loving and care angel in the class)

Grade 1.2 Osing Class

  1. Alika Maritza Purnomo
    (student who shows sympathy to her peers)

Grade 2.1 Dhani Class

  1. Fatiya Humaira Parapat
    (the most helpful student )
  2. Kemas Xavier Alvaresyah
    (student with great enthusiasm in learning)

Grade 2.2 Tengger Class

  1. Nezad Azan Sanad
    (Student with great enthusiasm in showing leadership )
  2. Shila Iswari Darmawan
    (Student with great socialism)

Grade 3.1 Baduy Class

  1. Aqeela Giovanni Mofsol Muhammad
    (Student with good improvement in learning )
  2. Ayman Azan Sanad
    (the most polite student in asking permission to his teacher)

Grade 4.1 Dayak Class

  1. Annastasya Putri Dharman
    (student that show good improvement in her responsibility with the agenda book)
  2. Mazaya Jasmine Salmaretha
    (udent that show great enthusiasm during outdoor learning for charity)
  3. Rafa Putra Fanani
    (the most spiritful student for pentas budaya)

Grade 5 Mandar Class

  1. Andhiansyah Padmasena Muhammad Damanik
    (The Most Polite Students towards his teacher and his friends)
  2. Kansha Deniswara
    (Student who shows great responsibility in keeping take his table clean and good care of his belongings)
  3. Putri Ramadhini
    (Student who shows great care and sympathy toward her friends)
  4. Shazma Alifya Jasmine M
    (The most attentive student in listening her teacher’s instruction )
  5. Viranda Mirella
    (Student who shows great improvement in listening and learning lesson)

Grade 6 Asmat Class

  1. Kemala Aryne Rakhman
    (student with great improvement in math)
  2. Nadine Izarra Hafidz
    (student who shows her careness and sympathy to others )
  3. Rafif Hudzaifah
    (student who shows good developing interaction with others)

Student of the month October 2014


  1. Darvesh Arfa
    ("Student Who Showed His Responsibility In Practical Life (tidy up his bag,etc)")
  2. Fathima Aliyarahma
    (Family Of The Month: "Mr.Achmad Budiman & Mrs.Amalia Alatas)


  1. Ibnu Rafi Muhammad Kevin
    (Family Of The Month: "Mr.Khairil Anwar & Mrs.Anita Carolina")
  2. Nadia Aisyatul Malicha Sofian
    ("Student Who Showed Her Spirit In Reciting Do'a During Morning Circle")
  3. Qumna Vaidya Pertiwi
    ("Student Who Showed Improvement In Stage Performance")


  1. Anindya Khaira Saputra
    ("The Most Motivated Student In Class Activities")
  2. Pangestu Ningtyas Riandoko
    ("Student Who Has Improved Her Awareness In Classroom Rules")
  3. Raffa Khalief Rachmawan
    (Family Of The Month: "Mr.Agung Rachmawan & Mrs.Emilda M.R)

Kelompok Bermain Kelompok Bermain

  1. Rumelio Zhefanya Alhideo
    ("Student Who Has Improved In Doing Reciting Do'a ")

Grade 1.1 Toraja Class

  1. Nabila Salma
    (Student with clear voice )
  2. Qanitha Zahidah
    (The most consistent student in performing shalat magrib)

Grade 1.2 Osing Class

  1. Fairuz Jati Ayuningtyas
    (The most spirited student in class)
  2. Sahila Istabel
    (Student with the most original ideas in class)

Grade 2.1 Dhani Class

  1. Omar Rafael Abdillah
    (The best imam in performing shalat)
  2. Patrick Harun
    (Student with good progress in adaptation at school)

Grade 2.2 Tengger Class

  1. Kayla Devia Adrivi
    (The active student in using english)
  2. Marvell Shakir Kheldson
    (The most creative student in the class)

Grade 3.1 Baduy Class

  1. Farly Farrelino
    (Student with great motivation to his friend )
  2. Malya Anandifa Rawikara
    (Student with great responsible in learning)
  3. Muhammad Fakhri Arrafi
    (student with great enthusiasm in learning)

Grade 4.1 Dayak Class

  1. Hamisesa Shanu
    (Student that show great emphaty to his friend)
  2. Muhammad Ezranio Oriza
    (Student that show good improvement in two way communication)
  3. Santoni Muhammad Ihsan
    (The coloring king)

Grade 5 Mandar Class

  1. Andhiansyah Padmasena Muhammad Damanik
    (The most polite student in asking permission to his teacher)
  2. Dinakara Hapsari Suharno
    (Student with great enthusiasm in showing leadership skill )
  3. Putri Shifra Zakira
    (Student with great enthusiasm in Completing the project from her teacher)

Grade 6 Asmat Class

  1. Fadhillah Aulia Zilka R
    (The best attendance)
  2. Irfan Tigranaufal Nugraha
    (Student with good improvement in math)
  3. Verrel Yusuf Pratama
    (Student who is discipline during sholat zuhur)

WA Kami