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Student of the month
Student of the month
Student of the month November 2022
TK A Banana Class
Raga Yash Arjuna
(Studentwho has improve his attention and his confidence during class activities)
TK B Coconut Class
Malieka Senja Kaladinanti TK
(Student who is good at school attendance)
Grade 1 Mountain Class
Muhammad Radi Akbar Lazuardi
(The Responsive and critical student in learning activity)
Syarifah Maryam Syahzinan
(The Enthusiastic and motivated student during learning activity)
Grade 2.1 Beach Class
Abraham Syam Adam
(The most confident student when become leader in the class)
Raffa Raditya
(Students who often remind his friends to obey the class rules)
Grade 2.2 Garden Class
Shams Arga Akhmad
(the students who comes early)
Grade 3 Forest Class
Ilyas Satria Putra Dirgantara
(The most confident student in "Talent Show" activity)
Grade 4.1 Arctic Class
Ainun Nisa Ramadhani
(the students who cares with her friends)
Aurora Narella Zelene
(the student who has proficiency in english lesson)
Grade 4.2 Waterfall Class
Dayyinah Putri Ardiningrum
(the most diligent student in taking notes during lesson)
Tasya Amalia
(the best qur'an reciter in the class)
Grade 5 Park Class
Muhammad Dewantara Soegihartojo
(the student who always says "salam: to all teachers)
Muhammad Husein Alaydrus
(the student who has good socialization to others)
Zahra Islamy
(the enthusiastic student in helping teachers)
Grade 6.1 Desert Class
Daneesha Alkafabia
(the enthusiastic student during learning activities)
Pricilia Zhafira Putri Arya
(The student who cares about her friends who are in trouble)
Grade 6.2 Pond Class
Muhamad Zakki Amri
(the most energetic student in physical activities)
Muhammad Ghaizan Ramadhan
(student who has good understanding in many subjects)
Student of the month October 2022
Grade 1 Mountain Class
Muhamad Ukar Syah
(The Student who spread kindness towards his friends)
Raqqila Ghifari Ramadhan
(The student who always tries his best in completing assignment)
Grade 2.1 Beach Class
Luigi Galuna
(The Student who cares about the cleanliness of the class)
Muhammad Pramudityo Nurrendra
(Student with great progress in self confindence when completing task from his teacher)
Grade 2.2 Garden Class
Muhammad Raffasya Nurrendra
(The enthusiastic student in giving charity Amal Jum'at)
Grade 3 Forest Class
EL Zaramisya Yordany Hatha
(The student who has good leadership)
Grade 4.1 Arctic Class
Fatimah Shakila
(The most student in reading surah when praying Dzuhur)
Kenzie Hamizan Akbar
(The most respectful student to the teachers)
Grade 4.2 Waterfall Class
Dayyinah Putri Ardiningrum
(The most diligent student in taking notes during lesson)
Zara Avyanna Dilhaqta Kesuma
(Student who shows improvement in her confident)
Grade 5 Park Class
Beryl Arkananta Zaidan
(the student who always focus in learning)
Fathan Hafidz Al Muchtar
(The Enthusiastic student in doing his duty)
Nayra Hizmi Saputri
(the student who always comes early)
Grade 6.1 Desert Class
Marcel Jefri Ananda
(the student who has good progress in academic)
Raeesah Ramatuelle Nouran
(The student who has high empathy to friends in the class)
Sasi Inara Kusumandaru
(the student who keeps being eager in learning)
Grade 6.2 Pond Class
Aila Sabina Yasmin
(The student who has good responsibilty)
Khaidar Putra Gunawan
(The student who is humble to all friends)
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