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Student of the month
Student of the month
Student of the month February 2017
Pra TK Kangaroo Class
Arjuna Mahameru
(Student who is good in project presentation)
TK A Panda Class
Faheem Arkaan Kusuma Aji
(Student who has improved his confident playing with friends)
Farah Agisca Fauzan
(Student who is care to others)
Muhammad Gentala Alhideo
(the most helpful student during class time)
TK B Peacock Class
Hamirza Anaq Isman
(student who is good in memorizing new lesson)
Muhammad Abdurahman Ashoufi Sofian
(student who is care and friendly to others)
Nadira Dinarana Chairul
(the most easy going student in class)
Grade 1.1 Pangeran Diponegoro Class
Halil Muzanniy
(The most enthusiastic in the praying)
Naura Azzalfa Caeley Putri Sanjaya
(The Most Outstanding student in the ability of story telling)
Grade 1.2 Kaptain Pattimura Class
Faizinnawa Umar Dzakierullah
(Student with great logical mathematical skill)
Muhammad Mahdi Al adni
(Student with great logical mathematical skill)
Grade 2.1 Cut Nyak Dien Class
Mohammad Athar Aulia Idisondjaja
(Student who is actively using english as onr of communication language)
Mutiara Shafiyah Khairunnisa
(Student who has great passion in mathematics)
Grade 2.2 Rasuna Said Class
Idrus Assegaf
(Student with the best voice in perfoming adzan )
Grade 3.1 Pangeran Antasari Class
Muhammad Fawwaz Aqila Yusuf
(The most critical student in studying)
Quena Raisa Prasetyo
(The most curious student in learning & doing project)
Raeesa Kaureen Fauzia
(Student who cares to others)
Grade 3.2 Sultan Hasanudin Class
Maulana Sahaja
(The most expressive student in class)
(Student who has good leadership in team work)
Grade 4.1 Dewi Sartika Class
Fatiya Humaira Parapat
(The best problem solver in doing task from her teacher)
Raffa Kalingga
(The most enthusiastic student in following physical education)
Ramishka Dimitri Nuriandra
(The most expressive student when reading a dialogue loudlly.)
Grade 4.2 RA Kartini Class
Masayu Cherryl Syarifah Azzahra Akbar
(Student who consistently prays 5 times in a day)
Puan Khatami
(Student who has great excitement to socialize with all his friends)
Grade 5 Soekarno Class
Mika'il Giovanni Mofsol Muhammad
(The student who always obeys the teacher's rules and intructions)
Princesa Neva Putri Aulia
(The student who has good progress in academic)
Shin Anugrah Nurrahmat Darmawan
(The student who has good progress in math)
Grade 6 Jendral Sudirman Class
Isadora Aisha Warrie
(Student who discusses interactively in learning)
Muhammad Ezranio Oriza
(Student who always does the routine activities orderly)
Nayla Shabrina Bintoro
(Student who always shows enthusiasm in learning)
Student of the month January 2017
Pra TK Kangaroo Class
Haura Fathina Sakhi
(Student who is concern in class rules)
TK A Panda Class
Afiqah Keisyahana Khairina
(Student who is improved her confidence in doing task independently)
Rayyan Aqila Purbaya
(Student who has improved his enthusiasm in following class activities)
TK B Peacock Class
Fathima Aliyarahma
(student who has improved in her socialization)
Tangguh Albarra Bazla Yusuf
(Student who is polite and obedient to elders)
Grade 1.1 Pangeran Diponegoro Class
Ibnu Rafi Muhammad Kevin
(Student who has great creativity in drawing and Art & Craft)
Muhammad Irsyad Putra Faisal
(Student who has good progress in learning mathematics)
Grade 1.2 Kaptain Pattimura Class
Bintang Kamil Yudistira
(Student who has good progress in speaking in class)
Nollie Fatima Arlandi
(Student with great english speaking skill)
Grade 2.1 Cut Nyak Dien Class
Nadja Andralea Maliki
(Student who has good? emphaty)
Grade 2.2 Rasuna Said Class
Nishka Janeeta Andini
(Student who has good care to others)
Raihana Amira Fawnia
(Student who has bravery in presentation)
Grade 3.1 Pangeran Antasari Class
Bevan Anargya Zahran
(Student who has good leadership in the classroom)
Fathati Salmah Lestari
(Student with the best effort in completing tasks from the teachers.)
Grade 3.2 Sultan Hasanudin Class
Naurania Azalia Chairul
(Student that shows a great improvement in her involvement in class activities)
Raisya Nirmalasari
(Student with the most tidy and neat headwriting)
Grade 4.1 Dewi Sartika Class
Maura Asha Kaelani
(The most active student to communicate by using english)
Grade 4.2 RA Kartini Class
Shafa Maylisa Zein
(Student who consistently obeys classrules)
Sutan Achmad Raiskhan
(Student with high progress to interact among his friends)
Grade 5 Soekarno Class
Andra Pratama Nugroho
(The fastest student in finishing his lunch)
Fathian Nashvi Aqila
(The enthusiastic student in learning and finishing his task)
Grade 6 Jendral Sudirman Class
Aurelia Nurviginia Audianti
(Student with great progress in motivation in school attendance )
Muhammad Andrew Zhorif Lubis
(The student who has fun personality and the nicest student in socialization and playing with her friends.)
Vassell Enha Atthayya
(The most critical student in studying)
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